Govt Launched Tejaswani Scheme Assistance of 5 Lakh Rupees | Know Full Details Here


Govt Launched Tejaswani Scheme | Assistance of 5 Lakh Rupees | Know Full Details Here

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J&K GOVT has announced a financial assistance of Rs 5 lakhs Rupees between 18-35 age group, to start their own business, under Tejaswani scheme

The broad aim of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to young women of 18 to 35 years of age for setting up gainful self-employment ventures, suited to their skills, training, aptitude and local conditions,

Female entrepreneurs shall be facilitated to avail financial assistance under Mudra from J&K Bank to the extent of Rs 5 lakh.

The scheme intends to provide assistance to all eligible young women who are domiciles of J&K and have a qualification of matriculation and above.


Empowering Women Through Entrepreneurship: The Tejaswani Scheme in Jammu and Kashmir


In a bid to empower women and promote entrepreneurship in Jammu and Kashmir, the government has introduced the Tejaswani scheme. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to young women aged between 18 to 35 years to help them establish their own businesses. Through the Tejaswani scheme, female entrepreneurs are offered a significant opportunity to contribute to the economic growth and development of the region.

Background and Objectives:

Jammu and Kashmir, like many other regions, faces socio-economic challenges, including unemployment and limited opportunities for women. Recognizing the potential of entrepreneurship in addressing these issues, the government has launched the Tejaswani scheme. The primary objective of the scheme is to provide financial support to young women interested in starting their own businesses. By offering financial assistance of up to Rs 5 lakhs through the Mudra scheme, the government aims to empower women to pursue entrepreneurship as a viable career option.

Key Features and Eligibility Criteria:

The Tejaswani scheme is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all eligible young women in Jammu and Kashmir. To qualify for financial assistance, applicants must meet certain criteria. Firstly, they must be domiciles of Jammu and Kashmir, ensuring that the benefits of the scheme remain within the local community. Additionally, applicants should be between the ages of 18 to 35 years, reflecting the target demographic of the scheme. 

One of the key features of the Tejaswani scheme is the provision of financial assistance through the Mudra scheme, facilitated by the J&K Bank. This partnership ensures that eligible female entrepreneurs have access to the necessary funds to start and sustain their businesses. The maximum financial assistance provided under the scheme is Rs 5 lakhs, which can be utilized for various business-related expenses, including capital investment, infrastructure development, and working capital.

Impact and Benefits:

The Tejaswani scheme holds significant potential to positively impact the lives of women in Jammu and Kashmir. By encouraging entrepreneurship among women, the scheme not only promotes economic independence but also fosters a culture of innovation and enterprise. Through their businesses, women can create employment opportunities for themselves and others, thereby contributing to poverty alleviation and economic growth in the region.

Moreover, the scheme aims to address gender disparities in entrepreneurship by providing targeted support to women entrepreneurs. Historically, women have faced numerous challenges in accessing finance and resources for business ventures. The Tejaswani scheme seeks to address these barriers by offering financial assistance specifically tailored to the needs of women entrepreneurs. By providing a supportive environment and enabling access to capital, the scheme aims to level the playing field and empower women to succeed in the business world.

Additionally, the Tejaswani scheme is expected to have ripple effects across various sectors of the economy. As women-owned businesses thrive, they are likely to stimulate demand for goods and services, leading to increased economic activity and market growth. Furthermore, women entrepreneurs bring unique perspectives and innovative ideas to the table, driving creativity and competitiveness in the market.

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